Luke Dunphy 3 clown monty neighbour.
Luke Dunphy
please. This is the saddest quilt since the quilt opposition AIDS.
Luke Philip "Luke" Danfi is the smallest, but the highest baby in Claire and Phil Danfi, and the youngest baby of Haley and Alex Danfi.
Biography [ ]
Luke was born on November 28, 1998 in California, USA, as the third youngest of Phil Dunphy and Claire Danfee. In the movie "Spring Exit", Ryuchoku was born as a result of Claire stopping Phil playing bug pipe.
Personality [ ]
Luke is angry, loves play, is a naughty and immature boy, and often acts from his own perspective. Luke is popular because of its low intelligence. Luke's grandfather was not very intelligent, but his grandfather said he inherited. This gives him innocence and forced him to keep his actions. Obviously, he declared that he had heard of it as "miner" in the "COAL Miner" in a family meeting and his mother was looking for Gloria. In addition, there are many incomprehensible acts, such as thrusting your head into the handrail, putting a box on your head with a pants, and jumping on the trampoline, so it feels somewhat empty. Like the founder, he is suffering from ADHD. When you have to do something meaningful, you get distracted every day. Every time Manny talks about something in a long sentence, she says, "Again, something like shit!"
Although it is clear that he has no common sense for him, Phil defes him, especially in front of Claire. Claire once said: "There is a used book literary, there is a street letter, and there is Luke, but Phil is basically saying," He is like a small Einstein. " Some people say "Why?" " Hatch says: "WHY NOT?"
Season Summaries [ ]
Season 1In Season 1, Ryuchoku is an immature, young, and mischievous boy. He is 10 or 11 years old. I was serious to have a relationship with Phil Dunphy.Season 2In the second season, Lychoku remains a boy and has little change.Season 3Luke is still immature and is 12/13 years old in real time.Season 4Luke is 13/14 years old.Season 5Grow, leave the family, and begin to show interest in young women. Luke is 14/15 years old.Season 6Luke begins studying in high school and begins to keep a distance from the founder who always has a good relationship. Luke is 15/16 years old.Season 7This season, Luke loses his virginity ("Double Click"), but Phil is a little shaken up. Luke 16/17Season 8Luke doesn't do well in school, and his parents worry he won't get into college. In an attempt to look more attractive in the polls, Luke runs for class president against Manny and wins. However, Luke is rejected from every college he applies to. When Phil and Claire are caught by the principal of Phil's old college and Hutch is told to make a move, he still decides not to. Hutch also works regularly at Jay Country Club, making a decent amount of money, mostly from tips. Luke 17/18Season 9Luke 18/19Season 10Luke is 19 and will be 20 in the year of his birth.Season 11
We learn that Hutch will be 21 and will be attending the University of Oregon.
Relationships [ ]
Family [ ]
Phil [ ]
Luke has a special relationship with his father. Phil calls Luke his "friend." They have almost the same likes and dislikes, and usually do things together. They play video games, watch TV, enter adventure rankings, play sports. However, their likes and dislikes are not exactly the same, and they empathize with each other in different episodes:
- Phil is afraid of clowns, while Luke loves them.
- In "The Butler's Getaway," Luke wants to throw magic tricks, but Phil can't resist because he loves magic.
- In "The Old Man and the One Tree," Phil tries to get Luke to go to dance classes, which he hates.
- Luke loves his father very much, and in turn, he is loved by his family in many episodes:
- In the episode "Phil on the Wire," even though Phil is scared to go through a stretched rope, Luke encourages him, and he finally does it.
- In "The Old Man and the One Tree," when Phil tries to achieve his goal -- running the entire length of Canada from his house on the Wizard's Staircase -- Luke initially thinks it's a bad idea, but later encourages his father. However, Luke only encourages Phil because Dylan dragged a pile of crap behind him that he forgot to put up with.
Claire [ ]
Unlike Phil, Luke often does household chores with his mother. As a rule, Luke seeks support from his mother for anything he needs, usually school dilemmas (homework, exams, planning, etc.). When he is with Phil, it is usually something related to young women or fun with Phil. Apart from this, when Luke cooks a dish that really makes Claire sad, she gets angry at him, but Phil doesn't get angry at him and tries to be friendly. That said, in some episodes, Luchok shows what his mother likes most.
When Claire thinks that Luke loves his father, for example, he wanted to go to a restaurant with Phil instead of with her on Manny's birthday, Luke convinces Claire that she is in some kind of mood because she is actually cheerful.
Finally, Walt Claire comforts Luke, who uses the death of Walt Kryzak as an excuse to express his feelings. Until now, Claire thought that Luke was showing little impression because he was not in control of the data.
At first, Luke is angry at Claire for disparaging him at school, but he realizes that he was cruel to her and gives her a rose to apologize.
Haley [ ]
Haley and Luke argue a lot, as do Haley and Alex. In general, Luchok rarely argues with his biological sisters, but he is called out on occasion. Luke and Haley get along well because they are fond of each other, despite their occasional teasing. At times, it is noticeable that Luke prefers Haley (a little) to Alex.
Alex and Haley tease Luke, and tease Phil's ex-wife Denise about wanting to take Luke home, making Luke believe he is adopted. Luchok sometimes gets scared that this is a trick, and runs out of the room by himself after Denise arrives. Come Fly with Me Haley and Luke are seen playing a game of clapping and singing. However, this quickly escalates into a skirmish. Unlike Phil, Luke often does household chores with his mother. As a rule, Luke seeks support from his mother for anything he needs, usually school dilemmas (homework, exams, planning, etc.). When he is with Phil, it is usually something related to young women or having fun with Phil. Apart from this, when Luke cooks a dish that really makes Claire sad, she gets angry at him, but Phil doesn't get angry at him and tries to be friendly. That said, in some episodes, Luchok shows what his mother likes most.
When Claire thinks that Luke loves his father, for example, because he wanted to go to a restaurant with Phil instead of with her on Manny's birthday, Luke convinces Claire that she is in a good mood because she is actually cheerful.
Finally, Walt Claire comforts Luke, who uses the death of Walt Kryzak as an excuse to express his feelings. Until now, Claire thought that Luke was showing little impression because he was not in control of the data.
At first, Luke is angry at Claire for disparaging him at school, but he realizes that he was cruel to her and gives her a rose to apologize.
Alex [ ]
Haley and Luke argue a lot, as do Haley and Alex. In general, Luchok rarely argues with his biological sisters, but he is called out on occasion. Luke and Haley get along well because they are fond of each other, despite their occasional teasing. At times, it is noticeable that Luke prefers Haley (a little) to Alex.
Alex and Haley tease Luke, and tease Phil's ex-wife Denise about wanting to take Luke home, making Luke believe he is adopted. Luchok sometimes gets scared that this is a trick, and runs out of the room by himself after Denise arrives. Come Fly with Me Haley and Luke are seen playing a game of clapping and singing. However, this quickly escalates into a skirmish. Unlike Phil, Luke often does household chores with his mother. As a rule, Luke asks his mother for support with anything he needs, usually school dilemmas (homework, exams, plans, etc.). When he is with Phil, it is usually something related to young women or having fun with Phil. Apart from this, when Luke cooks a dish that really makes Claire sad, she gets angry at him, but Phil doesn't get angry at him and tries to be friendly. That said, in some episodes, Luchok shows what his mother likes most.
When Claire thinks that Luke loves his father, for example, because he wanted to go to a restaurant with Phil instead of with her on Manny's birthday, Luke convinces Claire that she is in a good mood because she is actually cheerful.
Finally, Walt Claire comforts Luke, who uses the death of Walt Kryzak as an excuse to express his feelings. Until now, Claire thought that Luke was showing little impression because he was not in control of the data.
At first, Luke is angry at Claire for disparaging him at school, but he realizes that he was cruel to her and gives her a rose to apologize.
Haley and Luke argue a lot, as do Haley and Alex. In general, Luchok rarely argues with his biological sisters, but he is called out on occasion. Luke and Haley get along well because they are fond of each other, despite their occasional teasing. At times, it is noticeable that Luke prefers Haley (a little) to Alex.
Alex and Haley tease Luke, and tease Phil's ex-wife Denise about wanting to take Luke home, making Luke believe he is adopted. Luchok sometimes gets scared that this is a trick, and runs out of the room by himself after Denise arrives. Come Fly with Me Haley and Luke are seen playing a game of clapping and singing. However, this quickly escalates into a skirmish.
I? Jealousy? Meanwhile, Haley and Alex are quarreled, hatch forced to be furious to lose their pace, and persuaded them that they are basically bad adult sisters for him. The hatch's text is forced to remind the time of the lapse of the lap when he was young, for example, by Alex and Haley, for example, changing the hatch into a girl. The baby on the board would actually escape (although Luke denied it) when the hatch gave Haley about the method to the laboratory without chasing. Notice that he was hiding him. And, of course, when Haley departs to the institute, for example, a hatch about this is that the mask is dressed up when it is goodbye, and Alex prepares comments. He literally masked his own emotions, and he really liked his sister.
On the eve of the New Year, Luke invites Becka and his cousin joyce to his house. The hatch attempts to kiss in his room, but Haley and Alex try to separate them for a certain period of time. Haley, who has just grown up, tries to be a mother and talks to Becky, as she goes into the house alone. Still, she threatens to call the Guardians.
What we are looking for in the movie Long Honeymoon is actually the goodness between Haley and Luke when Alex is not nearby. When Alex is building a house for those who don't connect blood, they look like a perfect man. When Alex returns, Haley and Luke immediately start scolding and we basically want to experience themselves intensely. Phil and Claire argue that Alex is actually a bond in his family. However, if Alex temporarily leaves the house, Haley and Luke begin to become a successful family again, and when Alex enters the house, this is clearly infringed, so Alex's contradiction is absolutely. There is no room for discussion.
Lily [ ]
Alex is Hatch's older sister, Alex and Luke, for example, arguing, for example, Haley, and sometimes the hatches are called with sisters, but sometimes calls. Luke and Alex ignore the fact that they sometimes get rid of their friends, have good things, and they love their friends.
Frank [ ]
Everyone asserted that Alex and Haley had a little fun, in fact he was adopted, and in fact, Fildeniz, the e x-wife, wants to arrest him at home. The period is, for example, a fear of the period, basically, this is a trick, in fact, as soon as Deniz is seen, one of a certain amount goes out of the room and walks.
Love Interests [ ]
Becca [ ]
Am I jealous? Meanwhile, Haley and Alex struggle to get the two to slow down, basically telling him that they are bad grown-up sisters to him. Hutch's writing is forced by Alex and Haley to pretend that Hutch is not happy, as they recall the lapdog attachments they had when they were younger.
On the eve of the new year, Luke invites Becca over to his house with her cousin Joyce. Luke thinks of having a round with her in her own room, but Haley and Alex talk to Haley, who is a fresh adult in the residence, when they try to cut a certain amount until she goes to elementary school with laundry, and Haley, who is a fresh adult in the residence, tries to be a mother and threatens to stop and call her guardian.
Simone [ ]
We even see a long honeymoon, in fact, Haley and Luke get along very well with one friend after another, when Alex is not around, they seem like the perfect guy, the whole family is perfect for friends when Alex elevates the house for bloodless. In fact, when Alex comes back, we see that Haley and Luke start scolding him immediately, and Phil, Claire, Luke and Haley start experiencing stress again, but this only starts happening this time when Alex comes back with a lot of stress on his soul. Phil and Claire counter that, in fact, Alex is the non-bond in the family, because if Alex just leaves the house for a moment, Haley and Luke start to return to a successful family again.
Carly [ ]
Manny is Hutch's uncle. They get along pretty well as a family, one friend doing different deals with another friend, but he is much older than Hutch, so Hutch often gets on Manny's nerves. Luke and Manny have a rather awkward relationship, more than friends but less than friends. However, Hutch is better known and seen in school than him, and as a rule, it helps him to become more popular and score with girls.
Sienna [ ]
This is the first interaction between them when they get into an argument at school as a result of Manny calling Hutch "his cousin" at his friend's residence, and revealing that he doesn't actually like him, and that he is actually ashamed of him for it. Afterwards, they decide the history and know that they were inappropriate, that they actually fought, that Hutch was in charge, that he actually made a joke on his own uncle: Luke mocks Manny, that his mother is a goldfiner, and that he actually heard his mother called Gloria, which triggers the assumption of whether Gloria really likes it, and that he actually heard this as a "carriage". As a result, Gloria claims that Claire jumped into the reservoir fully dressed.
Rhonda [ ]
The virgin territory Luke can help him and him with a young woman named Miranda, and the Cam car is driven around her house to make her emotions.
The worship date Luke can help him find a girl he likes by visiting her three bar MITSVA.
Tammy LaFontaine [ ]
Hard jay night Luke settles to the party to dodge Manny's advice. Manny traces his footprints, and when they reach the door, the handler discovers Manny, but there is no hatch, and the hatch refuses to depress himself, and Manny actually causes him to depress himself. It turned out to be invited to a party. This is much more popular than Manny in both the original and high school, and when you start to show interest, you score girls, and Manny is uncomfortable. But Manny comforts him and basically says he is obliged to change his personal way if he wants to be cool.
Luke often saw jealousy, although she was so interested that she was so cute in her family, not him. She and Manny used a biscuit by Claire to cure Lily in the fall, so she poured milk and failed, but as a result, the cam was sophisticated. He loved insulting Lily. For example, he told Mitchell, and in fact Lilly had nothing to do in his eyes. The same happened in the birth of Joe, Lily was worried, in fact he became cute, and she changed.
Rose and Sara [ ]
Frank-Father's grandfather Luke. Frank lives in Florida, so they can't find them like Luke and Jay. But everything is exactly the same as their pretty powerful and special relationship is that Frank is quite similar to a Phil whose hatch is quite busy. The hatch also decorates a frank photo on the frame of the bedside table.
Sarah Ho [ ]
Becka first appeared on the eve of the New Year, along with his own Kujina Joyce.
On the eve of the new year, Luke invites Becka to his house with his cousin's joyce. Luke and Becka were in secondary educational institutions, who understood their friends, the fastest, and probably met. Luke is planning to kiss her in her own room, but Haley and Alex are fresh adults at home while they are not just laundry to cut them. Heyl, trying to become his own mother, talks to Becke, who stops, and still threatens her parents. She goes out of the hatch, far, but Becka is also disappointed that she has happened to quit.
Simone is the first woman to appear as Lucca's companion in the movie The Best Man. Luccoch and Simone monitor each other on Facebook and attend the same high school. They are in love and are friends. Phil pretends to be Luccoch and confesses his feelings to Simone and asks her out on a date! Phil pretends to be Luke and asks Simone out on a date. The meeting is awkward, but the two have a lot in common. Meanwhile, Phil, who is sitting at another table, meets Simone's mother, Valerie. Phil unwittingly flirts with Valerie, and she likes it. Eventually, Phil calls Claire and reveals that he is married. Valerie scolds her for not having a boyfriend when she is not married, for example, and wonders if she could date Phil. Valerie forcibly takes Simone into her house and tells her that Luccoch is not her soulmate. However, it is later revealed that Simone actually thinks that Liuchowk is a prankster, which resulted in his arrest by his mother, and that Simone wants to date Liuchowk.
Danielle [ ]
Carly is the first and only female character to appear in Suddenly, the previous summer. Liuchowk and Carly lived together from June to August, and it is known that Liuchowk is in love with her.
Janice [ ]
Sienna is the first and only female character to appear in the film The Fair. Luke is infatuated with Sienna, a high school classmate who has recently become his sister Alex's new best friend. Luke tells Sienna and Alex that he is in love with her, but does not tell them that it is Sienna. He forces Alex to be in a cell near the fair so that he can be alone with Sienna. Luke explains to Sienna that he has never kissed a young woman, and Sienna invites him in for his first kiss. Alex escapes from prison and tells Sienna that he is in love with Luke. During this time, Sienna ends her friendship with Alex and Luke after Luke tells her that Alex is quite unpopular and nagging.
Annabelle [ ]
Rhonda is a female character who first appeared in "Spring-a-Ding-Fling".
Sherry Shaker [ ]
In "Spring-a-Ding-Fling", Luke arranges to meet Rhonda at the school's spring dance. Claire wants to help Rhonda dress more feminine and elegantly, as she always wears masculine clothes that don't look clean. Luke doesn't like this very much, as he loves her the way she is, and asks Claire to "fix" her. However, later on, they are seen dancing together, which suggests that maybe he really does like Rhonda's fresh face, for example.
Friendships [ ]
Manny [ ]
Tammy is the daughter of the Dunphys' neighbors, Ronnie and Amber Lafontaine.
A big story about Luke falling in love while watching Tammy sunbathing on his parents' yacht from his bedroom window. He tries to talk to her, but she overpowers and insults him. Alex warns Luke to ignore Tammy if she sees what he's doing.
Walt [ ]
Rose is Hutch's schoolmate, but as time goes by, Luke sinks into Rose and Sarah. Luke starts seeing Sarah, but at the same time, he continues to see Rose. He quietly distances himself from her and decides to wait a while to tell her about it. However, Alex and Haley send Rose long messages about how great she is. But Rose replies to them bitterly, saying that she has upset Haley and Alex. Later, Rose tells Sarah that Luke has changed her, and Sarah breaks up with Luke. Luke is furious at his sisters for the messages he sent to Rose, and Haley and Alex invite Sarah to write to him, so Sarah loses Hutch again, becoming even more like Hutch.
Hutch doesn't date Sarah for long, starting with the episode "The More You Ignore Me" and dancing with her in "Promposel".
Carl and Abby
Sexual Behaviour [ ]
Luke hits on a girl who works at a cafe. But he meets a rich woman named Abby. But Abby finds mustard on Luke's T-shirt and finds out that Luke hates mustard. Abby realizes that Luke has changed and dumps him (this is a great pumpkin from Phil Dunphy).
