Is the tailgate more important than the game 3 clown monty high.
Is the tailgate more important than the game?
According to a completely new survey, seven out of tenth supporters are looking forward to the tail gathering season, for example, even if they are more than a holiday season.
In a selective survey for 2, 000 adults, the mood related to the gathering was investigated, and in fact on e-quarter participated in a gathering including tickets (24 %) in a random match, and gathered many gatherings. I knew I was enjoying the most.
Similarly, 22 % of them participated in a joint party despite having a watching ticket.
This year, nearly on e-third is scheduled to participate in a joint party (29 %).
A selective survey conducted by Talker Research with Long Drink, Finnish, revealed what the option is the best option for a tail meeting.
On average, the respondents believe that they need to start a meeting two hours before the start of the game, and can end up with friends within an hour at this time.
36 % of respondents believe that it is rude to notice that the game has already begun.
According to the Yankees's view, the perfect party consists of 12 people, but the 23 % of the respondents think that this is not a party, so there are more guests so far.
If you think about what role you play in your party, a quarter of the respondents will be "nut galleries" (random fans, sometimes throwing a certain number of comments) (24 %). It will take on the mantle's "Grill Masters" (22 %).
All nine would have supported the role of "fans", who supported the confident mood of the future and are looking forward to the team's small victory.
But you believe that 36 % will actually be consistent during the match.
With good friends, this selective survey reveals the luggage required for good parties: food (57 %), chairs (41 %), alcohol (31 %), team clothes (20 %) 。
However, most of the guests in the party (65 %) like them (65 %), they do not get guests (9 %), almost everyone is ready to make their own contributions. -If you do not do this, you have all the opportunities to drive away you.
"The mountains are not just games, these are a memorable factor that is executed with anxiety before a friend, smile and big event," said the founder of Finnish Long Long Drinka MANNINEN. These are all good friends, delicious drinks, and fun memories. It is not so important that you are riding the game or behind the atmosphere, but only the best story is displayed at the tail.
More than half of people think it's rude to show up empty-handed (57%), and if they were to prepare something, they would be in charge of snacks (32%), food (28%), and alcoholic drinks (16%).
Banquet-essential foods include burgers (51%), hot dogs (47%), and potato chips (43%).
Chicken wings (35%), barbecue (19%), potato salad (17%), bratwurst (16%), and nachos (15%) also ranked highly among the foods people would like to eat at a party.
In terms of numbers, an ideal party would have 17 types of burgers and hot dogs, and 21 types of chicken wings, with a choice of four types of fries, three desserts, and three alcoholic drinks.
When it comes to what to fill the glass with, one in five respondents would drink a pre-made cocktail in a can at a party (22%).
All in all, the average respondent will spend 47 minutes at the party after finishing the game.
Most Americans who said they wouldn't regret going to a party if their favorite team lost also said it was fun to watch the game together (76%).
"Alcohol has always been a staple of outdoor get-togethers, but we're trying to add something truly unique to the experience," says Manninen. "With roots in Finland's national drink, long drinks combine refreshment with tradition and are the perfect addition to any party. Whether you're grilling, cheering, or just enjoying the moment, a cold long drink enhances the fun and adds tradition to the perfect party."
Unique Traditions of Tail Parties
- Greeting the team while drinking your favorite whiskey.
- Rent a school bus.
- Put clown makeup on the face of the loser from the previous party.
- Team spirit dress competition.
- Friends come over to your house and knock on the door, yelling "IT IS GAME DAY!"
- Bring your favorite frying pan to cook.
- Get ready and prepare the grill four hours before kickoff. Everyone drinks beer, and the last person to drink gets the grill going.
- We swap stories of great games and parties from previous years, with the best stories winning prizes.
- One of my favorite traditions is the mystery food contest, where everyone brings a dish with a secret ingredient and everyone tries to guess what it is while enjoying the meal. It adds a fun interactive touch to the meal!
- The last person to arrive at the party has to wear the mascot head for at least half the time of the game!
Research Methodology
Talker Research conducted a survey of 2, 000 Yankees aged 21 and over. The sample survey was commissioned by The Finnish Long Drink in Finland and conducted by internet company Talker Research between August 29 and September 3, 2024.
It uses non-representative selection and two leading sources:
- In traditional online access panels, respondents agree to participate in online marketing surveys for a fee.
- Programmatic - respondents have an online presence and the opportunity to participate in the sample survey to receive virtual catalysts related to the online activity they usually trade.
Those who do not respond to a given sample end their role in the sample survey. During the implementation of the sample survey, a dynamic online sample is used, which is adjusted to meet the quota set in the selection design.
Regardless of the source from which the respondent received it, they were flooded with an online survey page, where the sample survey was conducted in British language. By completing the survey, the respondent is given points. These points have a small currency value.
Cell data are included in the test only if they contain at least 80 respondents, and statistical significance is calculated at the 95% level. Data are not weighted, but quotas and other characteristics are assigned to ensure favorable selection.
Interviews are excluded from the final analysis if they do not qualify for characteristic testing. This includes:
- Speeders: Respondents who complete the sample survey in more than one-third of the average interview time are screened as speeders.
- Open-ended responses: All shortened responses (fully open-ended questions and other options) are checked for inappropriate or irrelevant words.
- Bots: The sample survey has a built-in Captcha feature that allows the research team to detect and disqualify robots.
- Duplicates: The sample survey software has a "de-duplication" feature based on digital fingerprints, which ensures that no one can complete the sample survey more than once.
Only people with internet access participated in this sample survey. Therefore, the results may not apply to people without internet access.
5 Weather AlertsWeather Alert
This product covers the Midlands of South Carolina and the eastern part of Central Georgia CSRA ** Strong winds, tornadoes and heavy rains from Tropical Storm Helen will continue into the pond today ** New information - * Warning configuration: - None ** Warning for Нынешние ПРЕДУПРЕДНИЯ И ПРЕДУПРЕДДЕНИЯ: - Warning for the prevention of storm surges in Ayers Rocks, Бамберге, Барнуэлле, Берке, Калхуне, Предупреждение о тропическом шторме функционирует в Айкене ... Centralnom Orandzburg, Chesterfield, Klarendonne, Kolnby, Edelfeld, Friedrichshafen, Kershōy, Li, Lenin, Linden, Mačky, Mačdy, Nebelri, Severn, Lancaster, Southwest, Southwest of Southwest, Southwest of Southwest, Southwest of Southwest, Southwest of Southwest, Southwest of Southwest, Southwest of Southwest, Southwest of Southwest, Southwest of Columbia SC or Augusta GA within 70 miles southwest - 32. 8n 83, 0W - Storm tension 70 mph - Going 360 degrees northward, or at a speed of 30 mph, Tropical Depression "Helena" Helena "exposes them outside the storm center as it continues to move northward through the eastern fraction of the state from Georgia. Helena's rapid speed allows strong, destructive winds, especially gusts, to penetrate deep distances into the southeastern states of the United States. Tropical
The expected results are as follows: -The occurrence of a large number of tornadoes may be more important to complicate the intention of the reason in the emergency situation during tropical phenomena. -In many areas, the tornado is a translation of electricity bills and communication that leaves a certain number of major destruction lesions and has the potential of harmony. -The durable house roofs and walls have destroyed all opportunities, some are equal to territory, the building is slightly dismantled, the mobile house is destroyed, the huge tree has been found and broken. The wooden trees were rooted in, grown from the ground, and the car was slowed down, a small destroyed boat. Large and fatal shells can increase casualties. * Protects from no n-safe rainfall for life that has any possibilities that have a destructive impact on the land of CSRA and the southern/ Chubu Midland. The assumed results are as follows: -extreme rain can lead to evacuation and rescue activities many times. -Carter and tributary are likely to expire from the coast in many places with the deepest flow. Small rivers, small rivers, canals, Aloyo, and gutters may turn into rainwater rivers. In the mountains, fatal drainage channels may flow along the plains. < SPAN> The expected results are as follows: -The occurrence of a large number of tornadoes may be important to complicate the intention of the reason in the emergency of tropical phenomena. -In many areas, the tornado is a translation of electricity bills and communication that leaves a certain number of major destruction lesions and has the potential of harmony. -The durable house roofs and walls have destroyed all opportunities, some are equal to territory, the building is slightly dismantled, the mobile house is destroyed, the huge tree has been found and broken. The wooden trees were rooted in, grown from the ground, and the car was slowed down, a small destroyed boat. Large and fatal shells can increase casualties. * Protects from no n-safe rainfall for life that has any possibilities that have a destructive impact on the land of CSRA and the southern/ Chubu Midland. The assumed results are as follows: -extreme rain can lead to evacuation and rescue activities many times. -Carter and tributary are likely to expire from the coast in many places with the deepest flow. Small rivers, small rivers, canals, Aloyo, and gutters may turn into rainwater rivers. In the mountains, fatal drainage channels may flow along the plains. The expected results are as follows: -The occurrence of a large number of tornadoes may be more important to complicate the intention of the reason in the emergency situation during tropical phenomena. -In many areas, the tornado is a translation of electricity bills and communication that leaves a certain number of major destruction lesions and has the potential of harmony. -The durable house roofs and walls have destroyed all opportunities, some are equal to territory, the building is slightly dismantled, the mobile house is destroyed, the huge tree has been found and broken. The wooden trees were rooted in, grown from the ground, and the car was slowed down, a small destroyed boat. Large and fatal shells can increase casualties. * Protects from no n-safe rainfall for life that has any possibilities that have a destructive impact on the land of CSRA and the southern/ Chubu Midland. The assumed results are as follows: -extreme rain can lead to evacuation and rescue activities many times. -Carter and tributary are likely to expire from the coast in many places with the deepest flow. Small rivers, small rivers, canals, Aloyo, and gutters may turn into rainwater rivers. In the mountains, fatal drainage channels may flow along the plains.
If you are in a high-clearance building on a higher floor or on a boat, plan how to move to a less strict location before high winds or flooding occur. Monitor official storm information on the Weather. gov website, NOAA Weather Radio, or local news channels. Be prepared to respond to changes in monitoring. Have some idea of how you will get weather warnings. *Information from South Carolina is available on the scemd. org website. Information from Georgia is available on the gem. ga. ga. gov website. Ready Update - The State Weather Service in Columbia will issue a news bulletin for the appropriate area by 11:30 AM or earlier if necessary.
. Tropical Storm Warnings remain in effect. * Locations of Exposure - Evans * Winds - Latest local forecast: Tropical storm force winds - Maximum wind speed forecast: 30-40 mph, gusts up to 60 mph - Window Tropical storm force winds: Within next few hours - Threat to life and property with typical uncertainty forecast in direction, magnitude and strength: Potential wind speeds 58-73 mph - Wind threat remains largely unchanged from last assessment. - Plan: Plan for dangerous winds of tropical storm force. - Prepare: Complete last minute efforts to protect life and property. This area is still susceptible to significant wind damage. - Act: Now is the time to take cover from dangerous winds. - Potential Impacts: Potential impacts of major winds are developing - Potential impacts of major winds are developing. *Flooding Rain - Latest local forecast: Flood Watch in effect - Maximum Rainfall: 1 additional inch - Threat to life and property including typical forecast uncertainty in path, magnitude, and intensity: Extreme flooding possible - Flooding threat remains largely unchanged compared to last assessment.
* Tornado is the latest field forecast: Tornado observation is valid-is a situation that is advantageous for the occurrence of tornadoes-threats to life and property, including the uncertainty of the course, scale, and intensity forecast : Possibility of different tornadoe s-Thornado's threat is almost the same as the previous evaluation. -Set plan: Emergency plan should include a different tornado probability. -Prord: Stay in the shelter and pay attention to the latest information about the tornado status. -Action: When a tornado warning is announced, move quickly to the safest place in the shelter. -Potential impact: Seriou s-The emergence of multiple tornadoes may confuse the implementation of an emergency action plan during tropical phenomena. -Alocated the tornado may occur in several places-major damage, power outage, communication failure. -In these places, the roof of the framed house is torn, the mobile house is destroyed, the roofed car is turned upside down, large trees are laid or rooted, cars are supplied, and small boats are abandoned. There is. Dangerous shells can increase casualties. * To receive additional informatio n-https: //weather. Gov/ca e-http: // redy. Gov/hurricanes < SPAN> * Tornado is the latest o n-site forecast: Tornado observations are vali d-Tornado Initatives that are advantageous-Life and property threats, including the uncertainty of the typical forecasts of career, scale, and intensity: The possibility of different tornad o-Thornado threats is almost the same as the previous evaluation. -Set plan: Emergency plan should include a different tornado probability. -Prord: Stay in the shelter and pay attention to the latest information about the tornado status. -Action: When a tornado warning is announced, move quickly to the safest place in the shelter. -Potential impact: Seriou s-The emergence of multiple tornadoes may confuse the implementation of an emergency action plan during tropical phenomena. -Alocated the tornado may occur in several places-major damage, power outage, communication failure. -In these places, the roof of the framed house is torn, the mobile house is destroyed, the roofed car is turned upside down, large trees are laid or rooted, cars are supplied, and small boats are abandoned. There is. Dangerous shells can increase casualties. * To receive additional informatio n-https: //weather. Gov/ca e-http: // redy. Gov/hurricanes* Tornado is the latest local forecast: Tornado observations are vali d-advantageous for the occurrence of tornadoes A threat to life and property, including the uncertainty of the course, scale, and strength of the course, the threat to the property of life and property: The threat of different tornad o-Thornado is almost the same as the previous evaluation. -Set plan: Emergency plan should include a different tornado probability. -Prord: Stay in the shelter and pay attention to the latest information about the tornado status. -Action: When a tornado warning is announced, move quickly to the safest place in the shelter. -Potential impact: Seriou s-The emergence of multiple tornadoes may confuse the implementation of an emergency action plan during tropical phenomena. -Alocated the tornado may occur in several places-major damage, power outage, communication failure. -In these places, the roof of the framed house is torn off, the mobile house is destroyed, the roofed car is turned upside down, large trees are laid or rooted, cars are supplied, and small boats are abandoned. There is. Dangerous shells can increase casualties. * To receive additional informatio n-https: //weather. Gov/ca e-http:// Ready. Gov/hurricanes
October 2024 in Philly: The 60+ Biggest Events, Festivals & Exhibitions
The State Weather Service in Columbia issued a warning for unexpected flooding. Burke area, east central Georgia. Columbia area, east central Georgia. McDuffie area, east central Georgia. Richmond area, east central Georgia. * Until 800 a. m. EDT. * At 438 a. m. EDT, Doppler radar and automatic shower detectors indicated heavy rains passing through the warning country. Rainfall amounts of 2 to 5 inches. 1 to 3 inches of rainfall is expected within 2 hours. Actual flooding is expected or anticipated in the near future. Threat Unexpected flooding due to heavy rains associated with the core of Hurricane Helen. Key Radio cars and automatic detectors. Impact Unexpected flooding of small rivers and streams, urban areas, highways, roads, underground intersections, and other poorly drained or low lying land. * Related to the number of areas with any potential for storm flooding. North - August, Grovetown, Evans, Thompson, Waynesboro, Fort Eisenhower, Martinez, August, Hephzib, Harlem, Miville, South - August, August, GOF, McBrin, Daniel Field, Commercial Middle Village Plaza, Glendale Regional Airport, Emmerville. This includes the right highway. Georgia Interstate Highway 20 between numbers 167 and 201
"Flood warnings are until afternoon * What is it? Possibility of flood due to excessive rainfall * Part of the Georgia State, including areas below the location: Bark, Colombia, Lincoln, McDuffie, Richmond, South Carrorina Central. Club: Akeen, Bumberg, Bamburg, Calfoon, Central Orange Burg, Chesterfield, Edge Field, Fairfield, Fairfield, Car Show, Lexington, McComic, New Berry, North West Orange Burg, Richland, Saluda, Sout h-Rancaster* Overlooking the river may be overflowing until the afternoon. Floods may occur in poorly drained areas*In some cases, the amount of rainfall associated with Helene is expected to be 5 to 10 inches. There is a possibility of precipitation in the mid-land, and it is expected to be the most intense in the morning. Weather. Gob/Safety/FLOOD PRECAUTIONS/PREPAREDNESS PRECAUTIONS. mp; amp ;
The National Meteorological Bureau notified the tornado warning 687 before 8:00 am on Friday. The new tornado warning is applied to the following areas in Georgia. The new tornado note 68ch covers 16 counties in central South Carolina, Barnwell, Bate Burg Lesbill, Bishop Building, Black Building, Brookden, Cais, Calks Hill, Colombia, Denmark, Edge Field, Elgin, Elgin. , Evans, Johnstone, Lexington, Linkalton, Linkal and Rugov, Martine, Maccort, Machmic, Murphis Estate, New Berry, North Orgasta, Orange Burg, Red Bank, Ridge Spring, Saluda, Cent Matchs, St. Matchs, St. Matchs, Reton, Mada Matthews, Letton, Summer, Thomson, Thomson, Waynessboro, West Columbia, Winnsboro and Winnsboro Mills. October in Philadelphia is the perfect time to enjoy the cooler temperatures and autumn mood. All you have to do is choose your adventure. Philadelphia always has a lot of great holidays. You'll find some terrifying haunted attractions, such as the largest haunted house in the country at the abandoned Eastern State Penitentiary. You can also enjoy some family-friendly scares at the Philadelphia Zoo, Sesame Place and Peddler's Village. If you're looking to cool off, try the pumpkin and corn mazes at harvest festivals at Shady Brook Farm, Linvilla Orchards and Fox Chase Farm. This big city hosts everything from beer festivals like 23rd Street Armory Oktoberfest and Roxtoberfest to Downingtown Fall Fest, YèShì Chinatown Night Market, and food fairs at Reading Terminal Market and Cherry Street Pier. Cultural holidays like Indigenous People's Day, Hispanic Heritage Month, and National Arrival Day. October is the month of the Flyers and 76ers opening seasons, the Union closing season, and the Phillies postseason.Last Chance
Hispanic Heritage Month Events in Greater Philadelphia
- There's so much going on in October that you'll want to spend the night here. Book the Visit Philly Overnight Package to get great perks (like tickets to Franklin State College's Art of the Brick exhibit, Philadelphia Museum of Art and Rodin Museum, or the American Independence Hall and Mid-Constitution State University), free hotel parking (up to $100), and make-up-free beds. Want to create your own weekend? The Visit Philly 3-day stay package is a real bargain, with 2 nights purchased and 3rd nights free.
- Grab your fancy jumpers and handmade hoodies and head to some amazing October events in Philadelphia.
- Note: Events are listed alphabetically by section.
Alexis Duque: Los Dueños de Nada (Taller Puertorriqueño): A special solo exhibition by Colombian-born, New York-based artist Alexis Duque. Anchored by brush and pencil works inspired by Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano's poem "Los Nadiés," the exhibition is dedicated to the marginalized in life through conversation (until October 26, 2024).
Southeast Asian Market in FDR Park
Cookbooks and Conversations with The Sisterly Love Collective: Paola Velez celebrates Ashley Houston and Bodega Bakes at Barnes & Noble Center City: Step into the kitchen with award-winning Dominican-American pastry chef turned internet celebrity Ashley Houston (head baker at Philly restaurant Dreamworld Bakes) to talk about her new book, Bodega Bakes (October 3, 2024).Hispanic Heritage Month at Taller Puertorriqueño: The Free Library of Philadelphia will host a month of celebration at Taller Puertorriqueño: arts, crafts, special picture book readings celebrating Hispanic culture, and a Heritage Echoes workshop exploring the profound influence of Spanish language poetry in Philadelphia (October 12, 2024).
View other venues (1)
Scarecrows in the Village at Peddler’s Village
- Photo: Visit Philadelphia Through Sunday, October 27, 2024 (Saturdays and Sundays only)This month is the final month of the season for the seasonal Southeast Asian Market, "America's premier food market" (Food & Wine magazine) at Roosevelt Park. This sprawling food cornucopia includes more than 70 vendors offering traditional dishes, street food, local produce, plants, jewelry, clothing, and more, and is located in the (appropriately) southeast corner of the park. Bring a picnic blanket and take home fresh food. There are no ATMs in the park.
FallFest at Shady Brook Farm
- Photo: Peddler's VillageSeptember 9 - October 27, 2024
Peddler's Village in Bucks County is hosting its 45th annual "Scarecrow in the Village" event. Over the course of eight weeks, 100 More than a dozen creative, colorful, handcrafted scarecrows (ranging from crazy to scary to famous faces) line the cobblestone paths of the Village Grounds. The highlight of this free exhibit is the annual Scarecrow Festival (September 14-15, 2024), featuring carving workshops, pumpkin painting, live music, children's activities, and more.